
About Us

We are the Toronto chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists (FCA).  We were granted chapter status on December 5, 2019.

FCA Toronto is a volunteer association operating independently of the FCA and in compliance with its constitution, bylaws, standards of conduct and code of ethics.

As of August 31st, 2020, FCA Toronto is incorporated in the province of Ontario as a not-for-profit under the name “Toronto Professional Visual Artists Association”.  (Ontario Corporations Act 1990)

Our mission is to offer exhibition, professional development, and networking opportunities to FCA member artists, to promote their artwork, and to advance the knowledge and appreciation of art and culture in our area.

As a chapter, our mandate is to serve the Greater Toronto Area, but any FCA member living anywhere in the country can join us and participate in our activities. We want to build a community of artists that is inclusive,  accepting, and welcoming, irrespective of background, culture and identity. Artwork will be judged on its merits alone by a jury of signature member FCA artists.